Football Pool 2006

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Last Place

Andrew Maves
Originally uploaded by underquaker.

Week 21 Picks

Pittsburgh by 11=54

Total Week 21=1239+54=1293


  • At 7:42 AM, Blogger Digby Wesleyan Church said…

    I truely am sexy! Thank you!

  • At 9:45 PM, Blogger Kirk said…

    I just feel to say I love you.

  • At 7:18 AM, Blogger Digby Wesleyan Church said…

    First of all...I would like to post a complaint. It is my first but as most of you know...will not be my last. The "week 2" standing have left me feeling betrayed. I had taken our administrator's word on the fact that his little reminder email had been complete. I, as a result of my "trust" missed two picks this past week. Goes to show that you can never trust an administrator. Gone are the days of trust. Gun registries, sponsorship money, gay marriage all comes from an abuse of power. Thus, a word of warning to all in this are in it alone. Even Kirk seems to screw it up. Now, in his defence...he has been busy running around at concerts and staying in on room service...that is a stressful thing. Mistakes must happen under that kind of stress. I too make mistakes....I may be working 18 hours a day but I must find time to check that the games our administrator tells me are on...are indeed the only ones! May we all learn early from this silly little bastard called "trust" in the words of the great poet Phil..."he's no son of mine!" Second...Kirk, while I'm sorry that put too much faith in you...I would like you to know that yesterday...while passing by the "silver-fox big stop"...I wipped a thick, green, sticky snot on a hab calander they had for sale there. I smeared it on Saku's face! I was close to you at that moment. I will forgive you for screwing me in "week 2" because we belong to something bigger!

  • At 5:28 PM, Blogger Kirk said…

    Addressing complaint # 1 ¥ou received the same email that everyone else did with all 16 games. For some reason you sent back picks for only 14 games. My administrator eagle eye caught your mistake when I was updating the site and I sent you an email with the 2 games you missed and you still didn't submit those two games, I cannot give you points for games that you mistakingly don't make predictions on.

    Addressing complaint # 2 If you actually read the rules that I sent out at the beginning of the year I stated that there was a difference this year over last. That being if you did not submit picks 3 weeks in a row you would be removed from the pool. Andrew Donovan told me he planned on not submitting for 16 of the next 16 weeks meaninmg he was going to be deleted from the pool according to the new rule. So I went ahead and did it.

    If you have any real problems that actually have anything to do with something that I have actually done wrong please feel free o let me know.

    P.S. I still love you my little hemorrhoid

  • At 1:15 PM, Blogger Digby Wesleyan Church said…

    So, Kirk openly acknoledges that he has "changed" the rules yet again....questioning his integrity. He stated that after 3 would be dropped if submissions where not made and yet he goes and takes Drew out only after one week. Which is of course "CHANGING THE RULES". I'm glad that he has admitted the fault and shown us that the rules are merely suggestions. And while he said that he emailed me to inform me that I had missed two picks...I never got that email...not saying that it didnt' happen....just that I didn't get it. As long as we know that Kirk believes that rules are not rules...I am happy. Thanks for clearing that up!

  • At 5:17 AM, Blogger Digby Wesleyan Church said…

    Now that is more like it. Kirk, you need to be challenged more. If people don't push you then you become soft and gay. I for one....don't want you to be gay. I want you to be an administrator that I can admire and know will hear the issues: WHICH BRINGS ME TO MY THIRD COMPLAINT! Why do we "places" in the pole.....i.e. first place, tenth place, seventheith place...when the order does not reflect the score! If you are not going to put them in order after the change up of each weeks points then please do not rank them. IF GRAHAM IS NOT NUMBER 2 THEN DON'T PUT HIM IN THE SECOND SPOT. This is yet another form of "rules" to you Kirk? Just put our names there if you are going to be so lazy as not to rank us. These "un-truths" are becoming a regular thing and we are only on week 4. I just hope the rest of the pool doesn't get so fed up that they "drop out" too! Maybe that is what you want, eh Kirk? Not as much weight to throw around and make people fear you so you have to play these little games in hopes that people will still take less interest in the pool! I'M ON TO YOU FELLA! POOL, UNITE AGAINST THE LEADERSHIP THAT IS FAILING YOU! RISE UP AGAINST THE LIES AND EMPTY PROMISES! HANG IN THERE POOL WE MUST WEATHER KIRKTRINA TOGETHER!

  • At 7:52 AM, Blogger Digby Wesleyan Church said…

    Can I send in my two picks like you are allowing Mark and Graham to do kirktrina? Just wondering if "we all" were allowed to abide by these rules of if they were only open to a few? Just Asking!

  • At 12:03 PM, Blogger Digby Wesleyan Church said…

    You are hurt should stop and only be nice!
    OK....Andrew, Your picture looks cute! I like your smile and your slimmy yellow apron thing. You are a great person and I hope you do well but don't win cause it may hurt someone! YOU DO WELL BUT NOT TOO WELL FELLA! Good for you....keep on trying!

  • At 3:22 PM, Blogger Aaron Perry said…

    you have big shoes to fill as administrator. should we email you directly with our picks? will you send us an email like kirk did?

  • At 5:56 AM, Blogger Digby Wesleyan Church said…

    Aaron, You can send your picks to me....yes....that is I will not send out an email. Make sure they are in my email before game You guys are great! This is great! Everyone is WONDERFUL!

  • At 8:14 AM, Blogger Digby Wesleyan Church said…

    It seems like Kirk is back on board! He needed some time to understand that we love him and need him. Really...he does the work that we are all too lazy to do! THREE CHEERS FOR KIRK! (pause...waiting for you to insert your cheers)...Please send your picks to can send them to me too so I can study your strategy but that would be unwise! I am already amazing and if I truely wish you all the best...then do not give that insight! Just send them to Kirk to give yourself a better chance. YOU ARE ALL DOING WONDERFUL AND THE TITLE IS STILL UP FOR GRABS! I think anyone could win it with the exception of Drew! But let me state...Paul will still be the cuttest despite the outcome and that is OK! GO PAUL....GO EVERYONE ELSE...DREW, WE MISS YOU BUT ARE GLAD WE CAN'T BE LAST!

  • At 4:57 AM, Blogger Digby Wesleyan Church said…

    Well, I have moved up yet again! I would like to let everyone know that I continue to head for the number one spot! I like it there....and if we are all like me there....Nathan and Aaron have often said that they like to watch me from behind! Thus, I plan on giving each of you your dreams....I plan on taking first place. Also, EVERYONE KEEP DOING FANTASTIC! YOU ARE ALL SUCH GREAT FOOTBALL POOL PEOPLE! ANYONE CAN STILL COME SECOND AND MARK SEEMS TO HAVE LAST PLACE LOCKED UP DO TO HIS LACK OF GAME SUBMISSIONS! Remember that Mark is cute enough to be in last so the rest of you just keep doing your best! Yahhhhhhh!

  • At 11:59 AM, Blogger Digby Wesleyan Church said…

    I would like to let everyone know that I am going out Scalloping tomorrow...if I die out on the big water...know that I died happy and appreciate the risks that I take in life....if I don't die....we will have a scallop BarBQ at my place this week end. Since I have yet to die out is a safe bet that the BarBQ will be on....we have the BEST SCALLOPS IN THE WORLD!

  • At 12:02 PM, Blogger Digby Wesleyan Church said…

    Let's look at the TOP 5....hmmmmm.....One, a Perry....Two, a Perry...Three, a handsome and strapping young man named Maves.....Four, a Perry...and Five, a Perry want to be! I would just like to take this time and thank ANDREW MAVES for having the brilliant mind that he does so that the Perry's are kept at bay and humble enough to put up with. The moral is...the Perry's are smart....and so am I!

  • At 6:58 AM, Blogger Digby Wesleyan Church said…

    The BarBQ was great! It is always a happy place....things that make you go hmmmmmm: 1) I make more in one day fishing (on my day off) then the church pays me in a week. Hmmmmmmm? See, you can't think about those too often!

  • At 7:00 AM, Blogger Digby Wesleyan Church said…

    Things that make you go hmmmmmmm: 2) Does an orange get it's name from the color or did the color get it's name from the fruit? Hmmmmmmmm?

  • At 11:19 AM, Blogger Digby Wesleyan Church said…

    I do wish all the best but know this....I am incredible...that is really the truth. We can't change the truth...even though we may not like that reality. I would say "good luck to all" for you will all need it. Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmm 3) Dr. Pepper...does it hold secret healing powers? Hmmmmmmmmmm!

  • At 6:56 AM, Blogger Aaron Perry said…

    i must say that i take offense at not being included with justin's brain. clearly, this was a mistake. graham's natural ability to understand sports, however, is not to be compared!

  • At 9:32 AM, Blogger Digby Wesleyan Church said…

    Ok...I can't hide it anymore...the poles are closed and it has been decided that I am the sexiest man alive. I know that this does not come as a shock to all of you....millions of people can't all be wrong. I appreciate all of the pools support in having me be a part this year. I know that I am a great distraction (due to my outstanding looks) and while my very association with this pool may cause much chaos...I am glad to be a part. I am also glad that you guys have done your best to make be feel like a normal member of this thing. I understand that this must be a great challenge for all....I'm just that sexy! I don't know how you do it but I must applaude you all and say "Keep up the impossible task of not being overcome by the HOTT beast that I am". Cheers to all of you on a job well done. Things that make you go hmmmmmmmm 4) Can a hott as Maves....ever really live a normal life? Hmmmmmmmm.

  • At 9:37 AM, Blogger Digby Wesleyan Church said…

    Aaron...I do feel that your mind is a wonderful thing...but please, never make the mistake of linking it with a mind such as Justin's. They really can't be compared....for they are not the same thing. It would be like comparing a single cylindar engine to the rocket boosters that take man into the great unknown. Both are impressive but not when put into the same arena. Thus, Aaron...I do appreciate your is great among the minds in the pool. BUT DO NOT MAKE THE MISTAKE OF THINKING IT IS ANYTHING LIKE THE MIND OF ONE JUSTIN COUTU!

  • At 7:11 AM, Blogger Digby Wesleyan Church said…

    I, right now, as I type...have no shirt on! I thought you all would like to know that!

  • At 12:10 PM, Blogger Aaron Perry said…

    you are growing lazy in your posts. the same one for both graham and me? lame! although, we are doing rather well in this pool and are very close friends...

  • At 9:22 AM, Blogger Scottie said…

    okay... it was cival for a while and you put on your nice guy act, but i knew that the real maves would come out... so i feel i must say this... may your second rated seafood of wherever you are from bite off your nose and make you ugly... oh yes, i went there...

  • At 3:03 PM, Blogger Aaron Perry said…

    i said you were growing lazy, not that you are lazy. your own conscience made you think that. copying and pasting the same post to both graham and me is acting lazy! you are right, though, your posting in this pool has been FAR greater than my own. kudos for this. as for me being weak, i can bench press 250 pounds! weak? i think not.

  • At 6:28 AM, Blogger Digby Wesleyan Church said…

    You are bragging about a 250 bench!? That is sad perspective for you.....Things that make you go Hmmmmmmmmm 6) Is Aaron a girl....or does he thing that 250 is a good bench?

  • At 10:34 AM, Blogger Digby Wesleyan Church said…

    A Canadian (and World) registered powerlifting bar for the bench is 20 kio's which is 44.2 lbs. your don't have to bench are a looker! You will go far in life on that alone!

  • At 8:56 AM, Blogger Aaron Perry said…

    let's hear your best bench, big man! am i bragging? no. it's not a huge bench. but it's far from weak!

    nate is not only a looker, but a baller! i remember watching him on the blacktop at bbc... he'd take over for about 3-4 plays, but then had to sub out from weariness. it was an amazing 45 second show!

  • At 12:03 PM, Blogger Digby Wesleyan Church said…

    I suck....I suck....I suck. But I'm cute....and that is how I go on!

  • At 12:55 PM, Blogger Digby Wesleyan Church said…

    I have had a bad week and have dropped a few spots. I feel that I needed to state the obvious to let go of this "evil demon" that has come over me. I will rise this week. Rise as no other poolie has ever done! I will make all stand in wonder of my mind. You have all experienced my "beauty"...I mean just look at me....some of you have been honored enough to behold me in the, while overwhelming, can only give a glimps of what you experience in real life....but after this week ends will have all been blessed to observe my great mind in motion. Now, I do understand that many of you already know that I am far above any average man when it comes to the issues of the human brain but soon you will all realize just how all of my ways....that I really am! May you all be blessed by my greatness!

  • At 1:01 PM, Blogger Digby Wesleyan Church said…

    I would also like to ask the pool to join me in my request that I have made known to Kirk. My request was simple: Please Kirk, put on a plum or pink Jane Fonda workout suit...complete with a head band, leg warmers and of course....wrist bands. Have someone on the Island capture that in digital form...and replace your current picture with it. Now...that being said....I do feel that his present picture is fine. It is even good. But I do not want this pool to simply become about what is good! I long for "outstanding" and "incredible" in all that we do and feel that I, and all others, would be impacted for the possitive if Kirk would only take the time to grant this request! Join me other poolies...join me in what can only be described as "the next level"....unite with me in my request to make this pool ALL THAT IT CAN BE!

  • At 2:40 PM, Blogger Digby Wesleyan Church said…

    I have become bored with the lot of you....It is sad...we do this so that we can keep in touch but alas, I am surrounded by asses!

  • At 7:46 AM, Blogger Scottie said…

    i have now passed you... just thought you should know...

  • At 2:20 PM, Blogger Digby Wesleyan Church said…

    I do not slip....I have choosen to give Scotty hope so the crushing will be even more enjoyable. And I am also failing to see the problem with being completely taken by what Kirk wears....Kirk is an a handsome man and very able when it comes to the fashion world. I look to him for inspiration and often find it....shall we say....captivating!

  • At 7:56 AM, Blogger Digby Wesleyan Church said…

    Once again I have been accused of crossing the "line".....I realize that some are more sensitive than others.....may we all come together on that common ground of making fun of Scotty! It will draw us closer and make us united again. Join with me....

  • At 6:45 AM, Blogger Aaron Perry said…

    you make this pool what it is!

  • At 11:44 AM, Blogger Digby Wesleyan Church said…

    Aaron...I already know that! This is why the hockey pool is sucking but this one is at least worth checking once in a while! I figure that the world is truely blessed to have me. God has given you all the most precious gift, when He gave you all me. I am the sun that warms each day. I am the caramel in the caramilk bar. I am the wholesome goodness in the frosted mini wheat. I am the gooey good on every donar that is consumed in this damn world! Thanks for clearing up the obvious!

  • At 11:59 AM, Blogger Digby Wesleyan Church said…

    I have asked Kirk for a suggestion of his most loved iTunes buy to date and he ignores me....what a gaymosexual! Thus, I put it out to other...any who are reading....tell me your favorite purchase...I have a limited selection so far...this being new to me. The following have already brought me not suggest any of the following:
    Pretty Vegas, Tribute, If Everyone Cared, Savin' Me, Nothing Else Matters, Have a Nice Day, Paint it Black, Heaven, Lightening Crashes, DOA, Crazy Train, Be Like That, Boulevard of Broken Dreams, Run to the Hills, Can I Play With Maddness, Photograph, Fall to Pieces, When I'm Gone, Let Me Go, Mama I'm Coming Home, Wake Me UP When September Ends, Better Days.
    That is all for now....I will wait for suggestions...thank you (except Kirk)

  • At 9:47 AM, Blogger Digby Wesleyan Church said…

    I'm 86 points from Kirk...I may just move to 6th place next week. I'm just that good! There are only 8 points between the 10th and and 7th possitions....this is what the pool is all about. Again, I make it interesting! Without sucks. As the hockey pool is doing at present. Many have contacted me and shared this truth. I understand but alas, there are those that would rather have a boring pool than listen to me rant. What a sad existence!

  • At 7:17 AM, Blogger Kirk said…

    Actually I've gotten lots of emails telling me how much people are enjoying this years hockey pool. Andrew you were invited to be a part of it but you chose to try and make a point by not participating. Unfortunately for you this has backfired. This has been my favourite pool by far. Today was one of the first days and no doubt the last day that i will check the football pool trash talk as it has bored me. back to more witty banter at the hockey pool. Wish you were there. Oh wait maybe I don't.

  • At 8:52 AM, Blogger Digby Wesleyan Church said… say such hurtful accuse me of being the one who ruins things and yet you have attempted that very thing here. You ask me to be sensitive to others but no one needs to practice that same thing toward me. You say people are enjoying the pool and I think that is wonderful but just mentioned that some missed me....sorry that offends you Kirk. I couldn't be a part of the hockey pool and you still feel that I was trying to make a point (as you call it). Well, you have certainly accused enough for one day and considering your constantcy in posting in this pool I could see how you feel you have earned the right! Stop trying to ruin this certainly know how to leave a bad taste in everyones mouth. I guess the true colors have finally come no longer want me to be a part of anything you do and that is certainly becoming more clear each day. I'm fine with that.

  • At 9:44 AM, Blogger Digby Wesleyan Church said…

    Paul, I appreciate your words....but it is with sadness that I bow out of the race. While I feel that I could catch Graham and have paced myself for a glorious finish....Kirk has once again alluded to the fact that he feels I have ruined his pool. I will drop out of the football pool so no others are offended and so Kirk will again enjoy it. He has vowed to never check this pool again and I feel sorry about that....may this effort on my part again prove to him that games are not important to me....only friendship. I say "farewell" Paul. I loved you.

  • At 5:25 AM, Blogger Digby Wesleyan Church said…

    It would seem obvious to me that Paul Martin (aka Kirk Perry) will not rest until I'm out of all pools. I have been doing well and enjoying this pool. Martin, while he hasn't participated this year, has blamed that fact on my presence. It is with much regret that I withdraw from the pool so Paul Martin can continue on. He has accused me of ruining his pools on several occasions and talks of the "nirvana" that exists when I am not around. I, oh course, disagree with him....I feel that all pools miss my presence...however, in an attempt to offer an olive branch of peace....I am dropping out. Much thought and prayer have gone into this has not been easy. I have enjoyed the pool and know that I could have caught Graham but to save what little is left of Mr. Martin's relationship....I feel that this is all that is open to me. This is the only way. To Nate....I am sorry. Don't hate me....I love you. You can go me and I'll trash you on my own time if that helps. To Paul Perry....always a are the one that gives the name "Perry" hope. You are the last....our friendship is stronger than ever. Games do not destroy....for it is real. To Justin....never a dull moment. I wish I were your neighbor. You rock! To Chris....tell Anthony that he only visits me when I pay. That is sad but I still love. Chris, keep working on him. To Scotty....Martin has said some untruths on his blog (hence the name change). are suck at football but when you are hottt...what really matters? Aaron is smart....not just book smart....real smart. sexy beast....keep being sexy. That is all who took time to trash with me. Farewell pool....thanks for the memories.

  • At 7:22 AM, Blogger Digby Wesleyan Church said…

    I would just like to say that I have not picked in "THREE WEEKS" and should be taken off the pool. That is the agreement that Kirk made with the pool and every day that I'm left in is another day that Kirk is a lier. He is a lier and I will never take anything he says to heart again. He reminds me of the liberals and for that Kirk....aka Paul Martin is dead to me. I go on record as saying that Kirk ruins pools....he has no integrity, he is a liberal and I think he may be gay. That is all for now.

  • At 10:08 AM, Blogger Scottie said…

    quitter, whiner and you spell liar wrong... sheesh...that is quite the hat trick fella...

  • At 5:30 AM, Blogger Digby Wesleyan Church said…

    Scotty, let us talk about our educational that what you would like to do? My wish is that you would have paid this much attention in your Bethany always amazes me when someone who takes a four year course and stretches into 6 or 7 can critique others! Nice my little Scotty. Nice!

  • At 8:06 AM, Blogger Scottie said…

    it is funny how those who claim to be so amazingly smart and whitty go back to the same stupid argument over and over again... good lord maves, if you are going to insult me get a little creative would you... i mean seriously, i have such high expectations and all you come up with is the same insult you had 3 years ago... what a let down... it makes me not even want to dig at you anymore... maybe timmy will have some good come backs... i don't know...

  • At 10:56 AM, Blogger Scottie said…

    One step program to freedom for Paul Perry...

    Step # 1
    remove lips from andrew maves buttocks...

    there you go... was that so hard???

  • At 1:04 PM, Blogger Digby Wesleyan Church said…

    Scotty, the fact that you repeated one class four times and I'm still not certain that you completed it is a wonderful fact that I can not and will not let go. It is a point....and that point is a good one. You challenge my mind....I simply point out the problems with yours. It was not meant to let you was a simple defense. Simple things are best when we argue. This way you can understand. I do these things for you. Also, why are you so concerned about Paul's lips? Please explain your thoughts in greater detail.

  • At 10:52 AM, Blogger Scottie said…

    can you start picking again? it is so inconvienent to go all the way to the bottom to respond to your foolishness... show some pride quitter... it may have taken a while to get the degree, but one thing i can say that you cannot is that i did not quit... and don't give me that crap about kirk being a big bully and peeing on your bull crap parade...

  • At 9:52 AM, Blogger Digby Wesleyan Church said…

    I have not said anything about Kirk "peeing" on anything...especially my parade. I feel that Kirk and I have had good times peeing....mostly at Zion Hill...that would be considered similar to your Beulah Camp. That all being said. I stepped out of the football race because Kirk made it very clear that I made the pool less enjoyable to him. He stated that he would "no longer check the pool" and made mention that it was in part, due to myself. Then he and others talked poorly of me in the hockey pool...which I am not a part of, nor did I have a chance to respond to their harsh words. I have decided that others can speak their peace but I seem to create stress when I speak mine. Thus, I have stopped speaking. I will continue to talk to those who can handle it but it would seem that Mark (from the hockey pool), Caleb, Kirk, Aj (not in the pool) and Graham can not participate in things without taking things to heart. Thus, I will try to keep my distance from them so the friendships we have built do not become even more fractured. I have those who support me and love me (just as I am) and thus, will invest my time and life with those people. I have tried many times and they continue to feel that there are "things" flawed in my character. That is ok....they are free to feel that way. Those who really know me are still glad to and it is evident by the lack of stress in those particular relationships. Thus, I say all that to say this....I am not upset at Kirk for his views. They are his....and I accept those. He has done his job in this pool to the best of his ability. There are things I have not picture, him changing my words (mostly on his personal blogg), changing the rules about missing picks and such. But I no longer fight with Kirk Scotty so please do not try to stir those waters. I will agree that I have not picked lately but as I am still in the pool as evident in my picture still being will be thrilled to see that I have picked this week. I may still win this thing!

  • At 10:01 AM, Blogger Scottie said…

    good for you... best of luck then... may you pass paul perry...

  • At 8:18 AM, Blogger Digby Wesleyan Church said…

    My hope is that Kirk's liberals will fade tonight....just as he has faded in this pool and in my heart! May the liberals blow away like leave in the wind. This will be a sign to Kirk Perry....a liberal luster....that life his sad. The pool has suffered when he wanted me out....the hockey pool has not even gotten off the ground (similar to the liberal campaign and plane)! Kirk has taken something wonderful and abused it....Shame on Kirk and shame on the Liberals!

  • At 7:07 AM, Blogger Digby Wesleyan Church said…

    I am so glad to see that Aaron will win and Graham will not. I would like to go on record as saying that this was the most boring pool to date (with exception to this years hockey pool, I'm told). Kirk may be the mind that keeps these things updated but his power trips certainly do ruin things! Pride is what best describes him. Sad....but at least Aaron won!

  • At 6:13 AM, Blogger Digby Wesleyan Church said…

    Thank you Justin....I would agree with your assessment and while I don't expect you to agree with my alleged source.....I think it is fair to say that Kirk is a "ruiner" of things.

  • At 9:42 AM, Blogger Aaron Perry said…

    thank you maves for cheering for me. i have been awesome in this pool. at one point darren looked to pass me, but i took charge and began dominating the last month and a half of this pool. thanks for your help. if only you could trash talk in the hockey pool, i might catch ken. as it now stands, i am ahead of brando melanson and will likely finish second. your trash talking may have won that pool for me, too!!

  • At 4:54 AM, Blogger Digby Wesleyan Church said…

    Aaron, I wish I could be a part of the hockey pool...but alas, some are so fragile that they can not play games with me...they are like the Disney knockoffs that come out of Japan...look good but crumble easy.


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