Football Pool 2006

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Sixth Place

Paul Perry
Originally uploaded by underquaker.

Week 21 Picks

Pitt by 10=50

Total week 21=2010+50=2060


  • At 7:21 AM, Blogger Digby Wesleyan Church said…

    You are cute...your pic is wonderful and strangely accurate!

  • At 9:50 PM, Blogger Kirk said…

    Paul still refuses to buy my dvd. You fill me with sadness. I will strive to do better so in the future I can create things that meet your standards for purchase.

  • At 7:40 AM, Blogger Digby Wesleyan Church said…

    Paul...just because "leadership" lets you down...doesn't give you the right to no longer be a "leader". BUY KIRK'S DVD! Also, I have a story that makes Graham mad too.

  • At 12:22 PM, Blogger Digby Wesleyan Church said… are not last and that is good. You can see how my conversation went today....I vow to be good. I vow to be more sensitive to others! I vow to not remind you that you are one of the last comments I am leaving today! Don't forget: If the list was'd be in 2nd!

  • At 3:17 PM, Blogger Scottie said…

    that was a very impressive week... one game right... by golf rules you would be kicking butt... i love it and may you continue to plunge...

  • At 7:43 PM, Blogger Aaron Perry said…

    hilarious post on 8709. pure comic genius that i've come to expect from you.

  • At 5:00 AM, Blogger Digby Wesleyan Church said…

    Actually...I have seen Paul hit a golf ball and while it looked a little sad....that was only when we put it beside Aaron's natural freakish swing. Paul had a very average and acceptable swing! He was holding his own when driving a few balls with me this summer at Beulah. are a good golfer and most of the world can not say that....with some'd even beat Aaron! Keep golfing TIGER!

  • At 8:06 AM, Blogger Scottie said…

    if only brewer and nate were to actually make their picks, then you would fall lower and lower in this pool... ah well, 18th ain't so bad... i would hate for you to be last and want to quit so i could not enjoy you being this far down in the pool... good on ya young fella!!!

  • At 7:20 AM, Blogger Digby Wesleyan Church said…

    Why do you let Scotty mock you! It distrubs me greatly. I want you to take it to them....pick well and pass many this week. My hope is in me your me in truth....for all my hope is in you! PAUL....YOU CAN!

  • At 7:21 AM, Blogger Scottie said…

    wow paul... that is some pretty tough back tracking... oh yeah, i let you beat me because i feel bad for you... great logic fella... classic lines from a natural loser... keep picking crappy old man... i can't wait to hear the excuses that you show us from week to week as you continue to suck...

  • At 11:12 AM, Blogger Scottie said…

    nice paul... way to move to another pool... so by this logic my trash talk in the hockey pool will now be that you may be beating me, but at least you suck at football pools... with the last name perry i at least expected a little more wit... you are disgrace to the name man...

  • At 7:18 PM, Blogger Scottie said…

    now that's a little better paulie... at the rate you were going i was expecting a "i'm telling my mommy" from you... perhaps you are a perry after all.. i'm still not convinced though...

  • At 2:55 PM, Blogger Scottie said…

    only an idiot would make fun of someone who is illiterate... way to prove your class once again... you never cease to amaze me...

  • At 7:50 AM, Blogger Scottie said…

    no, no... i know that slander was headed in my direction as well... there is never any doubt about that... predictable is what you do, but my concern is with your lack of respect for those in our world who struggle with things like reading... insult me all you want... lord knows that i do not take you seriously, but for goodness sake man, show some class... stop proving me right for once and show some class...

  • At 2:18 PM, Blogger Digby Wesleyan Church said… have class. Don't worry about Scotty! He has a montreal fetish! Jacque is gay! We all know that and you should never hold back from making fun of him...he is an idiot. He hid his shame for years and only brought it to light when he realized he could make money at it. Typical Hab. I wouldn't be surprised if the ass could read and write just fine...he is only looking for more cash and anyone willing to buy his book (which he can't even read let alone write) must be in bed with the french! So sad...carry on Paul. truely are are very sensitive!

  • At 10:01 AM, Blogger Scottie said…

    although maves wit has far surpassed paul's, his ignorance and lack of knowlege of when to draw the line shines through once again... hey, while you are at it why don't you make fun of the homeless in the gulf coast too... seems right up your guys alley...

  • At 7:50 AM, Blogger Digby Wesleyan Church said…

    Yes, the homeless in the gulf are very similar to Jacque....Scotty....wonderful comparisson. I would like to applaud Scotty in drawing such an incredible parallel! Scotty, you are so right.....oh, I'm so sorry for my insensitivity. If I could only take back my is people like you that keep the Liberals in power. Here are some other matching games for you.....World hunger and poodles! Pizza and Child Abuse! The sex trade and Hot Wheels! There you are SCOTTY! WONDERFUL~!

  • At 11:01 AM, Blogger Scottie said…

    oooh... hit a hot button here... the boys are defensive... just pointing out that you guys are ignorant... don't act like you didn't know...

  • At 11:07 AM, Blogger Digby Wesleyan Church said…

    Scott has crossed a line...he has mention my "hot button"....I sometimes wonder why I'm a part of these things. When poolies like Scott are aloud to go about and bring up hurtful things. Why do we let these things go on. Some people just don't no when to stop and it hurts. I wish this thing coud be more about having fun then hurting others. I guess Scott doesn't care about others and their feelings. I'd hope we could all act a little more mature but I guess it was just hopeful thinking....Nice Scott....Nice.....good to see you haven't changed....

  • At 12:06 PM, Blogger Digby Wesleyan Church said…

    Paul, you are all that remains for me...the rest of this pool is not just dead to me...they are in the ground. They do not take part....they no longer love...they only took part so that they could be close to me. How cowardly they all are. Thank you for posting and doing all you can....I will say sorry for the pathetic lot of them!

  • At 2:45 PM, Blogger Scottie said…


  • At 11:56 AM, Blogger Digby Wesleyan Church said…

    Pansy? What does that mean....that Paul smells great! Are you calling Paul a fragrant flower? I suppose you GLBT guys are all "CREATIVE"...Paul, take it as a compliment. Scotty smells bad and it is good that he has noted a difference in you. Maybe it will spur him on to a bath!

  • At 9:51 AM, Blogger Digby Wesleyan Church said…

    Note how Scotty gets confused and remains silent when we use 'big' words! Paul, you did some great picking! You are the 'pickmaster'...I'm proud of you! Keep making a surge forward. I long to be near you soon! We you....always....


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